Saturday, April 2, 2011


~Well I am here again today folks. I figure if the good Lord woke me up toady on earth and not in heaven, then he must have a job for me. So lets see, I fed the animals, dusted furnitrue,swept carpet, 2 loads of laundry....and of course chatted with some of my dear friends. Don't let a day go by without at least one encouraging conversation with a friend. Friendship was invented by the Creator himself kids. So, it must be a very important thing for us.
I have noticed lately that I have 'true' friends. Some of my friends live farrrr away, still I feel very close to them. Even if I don't talk to them on a weekly basis,we remain close like sisters. I used to think by the time I reached my Mother's age....I would have things figured out. Wrong!!! I am now a grownup and still am unsure of some things in my life. However,,,I do know this: I have the most amazing Husband on earth, my our children are a true gift form God, and my family is ultra fab!!
I hope is that this all doesn't sound silly, or overly mushy...I have jsut felt the need to take stock in my life today. And as of today, it is priceless.~

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